As I started to write this post, I realized I wish I took a screenshot of the Google Meeting yesterday because we had SOOO many people on – about 25% of the community! Amazing event and I love meeting and interacting with all of you – I look forward to doing so in person… one day soon…
I know a few of you reached out already to provide feedback, and overall, all of us on the board were overjoyed with the clear feedback, camaraderie, and aligned motivations that we were able to achieve as we move forward. It’s very apparent that we have a wealth of information and knowledge among the community and I’m looking forward to us all continuing to bring our combined abilities and IQ points together.
Email Update (9/19/2020 8:46AM)
Hello Temple Lofts!
As a follow-up to our last meeting here are the updates from the items we discussed and had actions on:
- Re-Voting:
- We’re getting the information and quotes on the different methods available to execute re-voting (Inspector, Separate Company, Notary, etc). Should have those quotes shortly and will get going on sending out the info for re-voting as soon as that’s in. Regardless, that process is going to take a few months to work through all the required steps. Nevertheless, it’s top priority.
- Pete during the transition:
- We spoke with Pete about having a more official transition contract and he’s very willing and happy to support the community on an as-needed basis. That being said, we’ll still need to abide by a process so that we minimize extraneous costs unless absolutely necessary. This means use the following provisions:
- 1) Jeff at LBHS has provided a first line of defense for us
- Angel will be on-site with us from 9-1pm
- LBHS has provided a 24hr number to dispatching vendors in case of emergency. Keep in mind, this should only be used for building-related emergencies
- Example: Flooding from a common pipe (Building), rather than your toilet flooding (Personal)
- 2) Personal work should leverage your own contractors or you may be sent the bill. This is mentioned so it’s understood that work required within our personal spaces would not be appropriate to be shared among the community.
- 3) If those solutions are exhausted without resolution, we can then reach out to Pete. If you don’t leverage the methodologies we are already paying for, the bill may end up on your doorstep, so please be fair to everyone.
- 1) Jeff at LBHS has provided a first line of defense for us
- We spoke with Pete about having a more official transition contract and he’s very willing and happy to support the community on an as-needed basis. That being said, we’ll still need to abide by a process so that we minimize extraneous costs unless absolutely necessary. This means use the following provisions:
- “Temple Teams” – The alliteration of “Temple Teams” is too good to pass up.
- Calling them teams will allow a group to exist without a board member’s presence – although someone on the board would be more than willing and able to participate. Regardless of “teams” being created, the board will address these issues, it just might take longer to process through them given our backlog.
- Team Workflow: Team Forms → Recommendations provided to the Board → Board validates it meets all T&Cs → Board Actions
- “Welcoming Team”
- If you’re interested in being on the Welcoming team, please let us know
- If you’re interested in sending materials – pictures and info, please send them or let us know.
- At present we’re thinking Blog Posts on the Website Resident Portal would be shared with newcomers through the new On-Site Manager and we’d simply update the post or make a new one as things are added. Or maybe a standalone web-page – either way works.
- “Mills Act Team”
- If you’re interested in helping gather materials and understand how to accomplish this, please let us know
- “Common Area Team”
- It was discussed during the meeting that the common area be reopened and we there was seemingly consensus to keep it closed – BUT after the meeting there was some expressed interest to put it to a vote.
- It looks like we should hold a vote!
- We’re looking for people to help out here because it’s going to take a little time to gather all the materials to allow people to make an informed decision on the liability and process for opening it back up (Legal/State/Federal stipulations and processes). It also needs to exist as an official vote given the potential liability that the entire community faces.
- Keys: We had a suggestion to use the on-site cutter/grinder.
- We do have one, unfortunately it’s not going to help us too much immediately as we need to update the cores and at that point the number of new keys we could process wouldn’t necessarily help with cost too much – but we’ll keep it in mind when looking at quotes.
- In talking with Pete, typically that machine was only used to duplicate resident keys only. But that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be used in this case as well.
- In talking with Pete, however, he did mention a possible way to save some dollars by re-using keys (A1) and cores we already have… but we’re leaning towards that not providing the “refresh” and additional security we’re looking for.
- Basement Ejector Pump: We’ll put this on the backlog and provide more educational materials and signs following the next board meeting as this is a little lower on the list.
Out-brief (9/15/2020 – written after the meeting)
As an out-brief, here’s the information I’ve taken down that we’ll be following up on from the Deep-Dive. Please send a note or comment on the post if we missed anything you’d like to add:
- Re-voting:
- It seemed as though we reached consensus that setting ourselves up with strict adherence to our procedures would be best as a baseline, or rather re-baseline, for minimization of future issues.
- It was suggested that inspection of the opening of the ballots is all that we’d need external parties to help with, not the whole process
- It was suggested that we discuss this with our Off-Site Management Company as they’re supposed to guide us through this activity
- Keys:
- Re-keying is expensive, Wade mentioned there may be a key grinder on-site? We will look into this…
- Reduction of Property Taxes
- Mills Act to reduce our property taxes – there was some discussion on this, it being a tricky process, it being specifically timely with respect to not being able to apply until 2021. We’ll just have to dive into it and maybe assign it to someone in the community to go after if there is a knowledge base out there about it.
- Basement Ejector Pump
- Can we put up signs in the Bathroom to limit what goes into the toilets, as the Ejector could be negatively affected by it
- Can we communicate the above to the community
- Welcoming:
- This one was high atop my list but from a more technical “rules (no wood in the walls), costs (move-in/move-out), procedures (elevator, hours)” angle. Rachel and Herb
- Ideas:
- How to convey the info: Email, Handout,
- Ex: Long Beach – “Best Weather” in the US
- Could we do some additional information, communication
- I’m not 100% on how this would happen, I think in a blog post like this one and have the new on-site person distribute it. Or we could feature it on the website?
- Pictures of community? Pictures of history of past history, party in the commons
- I’ll be reaching out for this information – It’s not recoverable from the old website, but potentially if you guys have the raw, we can add it to the new website (which is continually backed-up by the way)
- How to convey the info: Email, Handout,
- From the technical perspective, I would suggest we just build it into a POST like this one, and share that with newcomers. Also, we can either update the post or just make a new one as information changes!
- Pete transition contract:
- Bill suggested to put Pete under a transition contract such that he would guide us and the new On-Site manager through the transition. A great idea to get us away from the “rip-off-the-bandaid” approach.
- We’ve already been in contact with Pete about transition items but will approach this one to make sure his support is there.
Meeting Outline (9/15/2020)
- Pete’s last day:
- Before Pete left, Higgins worked with the board (before I was on it), did a tour, took notes, overlayed it on the blueprints, we got all the vendors,
- Angel is in-office (9-1, note on the door, after-hours from Jeff 562-505-6204, Temple Office 1-562-628-0690)
- Today:
- Collected keys/fobs, Changed computer PWs, made a ‘user-level’ for the new on-site, Revoked remote access, Removed website privileges, and changed the PW on the front-door unit from default
- Moving forward we’ll be centrally locating all documentation/schedules/notes/history/receipts/PWs (different permission sets) on O365
- Digital and communicated between the 4 parties (On-site, Off-site, Community, and HOA Board)
- Potentially put the schedule up on the resident portal on the website as well… so the new on-site guy can update that shared one
- On-Site Manager:
- Dozens of candidates, We did a pretest to test their commitment, we did a 1st round with 4 amazing candidates, 2nd rounds, and prioritized our offers, and put a letter out. We have backups.
- Board Member Changes:
- Higgins letter below
- Shae and Lyndell resigned
- Quorum question regarding the last vote:
- As I understand it there were 3 slots, 3 candidates, not enough members present or voted for 50% quorum
- NEGATIVE: Should have had a 25% quorum, in a subsequent meeting
- POSITIVE There were 3 candidates, 3 slots, Covid, no objections in the meeting, excited b/c so many people were there
- Re-voting will be about $1k and take 120 days, whatever we need to do if we’re in agreement
- Re-voting
- NOTES: Will: Could there be a waiver so there’s a piece of paper or record that they’re legally there.
- NOTES: Jane: Problems with transparency and communication, two people on the ballot as an encombant, always had to reschedule, enough votes that we could meet the votes and didn’t have to
- Disqualified HOA management -> Angel
- Make sure that it’s within rules, abide by bylaws
- Start off on a good foot, solid legal footing, redo the process, more members become more involved
- Security
- Re-keying:
- 2 Main Phases Commencing Immediately:
- (Day Pete Leaves) BATCH 1:
- 1 Key – Office Key (Standalone)
- 1 Key – Maint Key (Closets, Roof, Spa Access, PLUS Whole Building?)
- (Immediately) BATCH 2:
- 1 Key – Whole Building (Gym, Community Room, Front/Back Doors), Storage
- Key-fobs: New on-site mgr do an audit
- Re-keying:
- On-site Manager Transition:
- We’ll be setting up O365
- Documentation: Schedules, Documentation, Notes, History, Receipts
- Tasks and Job Expectation
- Communication Flow (Who and How to Contact)
- NEXT Work Items for On-Site: Fire, Elevator, Ducting
- CURRENT: Boiler room floor slope, electrician
- Tech:
- Phone/TV/Internet review – renegotiate pricing
- Peter to review finances
- Few “sensitive” matters that take a lot of time
- Insurance follow-ups – Earthquake
- “Septic Tank” – “Ejector Pump” for the sinks and toilets in the basement, we’ll have to figure out how to fix that smell issue
The Initial Deep-Dive Email
Temple Lofts Community!
Deep-Dive Session:
Wow, there is a lot going on right now… Given that there are an enormous number of items transpiring all at once, we’re going to hold a popup “Deep-Dive” on Tuesday 9/15/2020 at 6pm to dive into the details for whoever is interested and available. We’ll post the same information in a blog post as well if you can’t make it!
Pete’s Last Day:
Tuesday is Pete’s last day, so please reach out and thank Pete for his wonderful service to our community! – his presence over the past 6 years have helped lessen the load the initial board shouldered, and has helped maintain and build this wonderful community into what it is today, so we can’t be grateful enough for his presence and dedication. Also one of the big reasons for the “Deep-Dive” as, although the board and LBHS have prepped and are ready for the transition, we want to make sure the community knows who to contact in the meantime.
On-Site Manager:
We’ve been full throttle bringing in amazing candidates for our On-Site Manager position and are overjoyed with the dozens of applicants and several we’ve interviewed thus far – and have even sent out an offer to an amazing candidate. We fully expect him to accept, but if not, we have a few other backup candidates we’re also very excited about – so that was a really positive experience.
Our normal monthly meetings seem not to come often enough, so we’re going to hold this session and dive into a few more details of the processes we’ve been attending to in the background. Here’s an overview of the topics we’ll cover – giving you guys a chance to learn more and ask questions about anything and everything that’s been happening:
- Board Member Changes:
- Letter below from new board member appointment, Christopher Higgins
- Resignation of board member Shae Miller
- Resignation of board member Lyndell Higgins
- Quorum question regarding the last vote
- Security:
- Keys & Re-keying Schedule (Immediate Office, Next step Entrances & Common Elements)
- Keyfob review and Purging
- Locking Down Passwords (Admin vs. User) – Access, Cameras, Keyfobs, Computing
- On-Site Manager Transition:
- Documentation: Schedules, Documentation, Notes, History, Receipts
- Tasks and Job Expectation
- Communication Flow (Who and How to Contact)
- Transition Contacts (LBHS – Angel on-site)
- Next Work Items for On-Site
- Technology:
- Office 365 Adoption
- Teams: Topics within the Board and Management Team
- Outlook: Potential web-based Community Calendar (water shutoff, maintenance, events, etc)
- SharePoint – Documentation and Collaboration
- Lock-down PW all Admin access to HOA only
- Audit Logs
- Phone, TV, and Internet Review – Renegotiate pricing
- Office 365 Adoption
I think more is happening, but those are the things that have changed most in the past few weeks. Come and get more info – we’ll rip through it in the hour!
Thanks all!
HOA Board
Higgins Board Member Email
Temple Lofts Community,
I, Christopher Higgins, will be acting as a board member moving forward, following the resignation of Lyndell Higgins as a board member and my subsequent appointment.
If I haven’t met you yet, I look forward to it! If you’ve attended the HOA meetings since about November when we moved in, you probably have seen and met me and my wife Lyndell as we’ve strived to immediately participate and become valued members of the community, and everyone’s neighbor.
Lyndell and I:
Lyndell and I have only rented since we were married in 2007 and are passionate about building as much value out of our purchased property as well as our community, both in long-term growth of the entire complex and relationships with you all. Lyndell and I both discussed being on the board and she won-out at the time, and I appreciate you all welcoming her in to participate – unfortunately additional responsibilities due to this strange pandemic have prevented her from committing the time she had planned, and I more than willingly threw my hat in the ring – otherwise Lyndell would have persisted had I not been available. The board was gracious to accept Lyndell’s resignation and my nomination, as Lyndell was able to seamlessly transfer her status, responsibilities, history, and knowledge, both safely and efficiently.
It is amazing the amount of work this board is putting in behind the scenes – more than I think they make apparent. Their prompt actions and communication allowed me to jump in and participate immediately given the number of important items at play.
Fortunately I’ve already been working with the board, Pete, and Property Management (new and old) since we arrived almost a year ago, to build the website from scratch, allowing the board to communicate efficiently with the entire community – helping to fulfill the wishes of the residents for greater transparency. I’ve also been their tech consultant on keyfobs, cellular entry, and camera systems.
And as of 1 week ago have been able to jump right in and work with Pete to tour and understand the entire building, document his procedures, and allow for an easy transition to upcoming on-site property management.
Although seemingly disparate ideas, the processes the board is undertaking will lead the community to a well manicured set of processes where all appropriate materials and procedures are readily available to both residents, board, management, and contractors – the main difficulty we’ve all faced.
Eventually I’d love to look towards suggesting innovative ways to save money and bringing fun, new ideas to the community – like building-WiFi at no cost or cell-phone building entry (keyfobs are my nemesis). For the time-being however, baselining and foundation building is everyone’s focus.
My History:
For whomever is interested in my background – I have a Masters in Computer and Electrical Engineering from UCI, grew up in SoCal, and have lived in NY and VA.
Currently I’m the CEO of a SW consulting company which mostly builds SaaS applications. I have 5 patents to my name, 16 products I’ve created and distributed worldwide, founded 5 companies, and invented a few really cool things like the Wireless Powered Christmas Tree as well as Anti-Counterfeiting technology in Pharma and Fashion.
Namely, I love building things and understanding how everything works –
Given the immense amount of transition that is happening at present, I look forward to helping provide a secure foundation for well established and communicated practices and procedures that minimize expenditures, maximize re-use, and focus on the happiness and well-being of all residents.
Christopher Higgins
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