Temple Lofts HOA
General Board Minutes
Call to order: 7:04 am/pm
In Attendance: ⬛(present) ⬜ (absent)
- ⬛(Off Site Property Manager) – Jeff Hall
- ⬜ (On-Site Property Manager) – Pete Figueroa
- ⬛(President) – Shae Miller
- ⬛(Vice President) – Daniel Yousef
- ⬜ (Treasurer) – Kirsten Severson
- ⬛(Secretary) – Lyndell Higgins
- ⬜ (Member) – Travis Alexander
- (Other) – Name
Residents Present: Wade (212), Tyler (320), Jane (413), Gustavo, Chris H, Charlene (522), 225, 226
Open Forum:
- (Comment): Can work/renovations be approved between board meetings
- (Board Response): as long as procedures are followed including permits and submissions
- (Comment): Any upcoming expenses
- (Board Response): Will be discussed after forum in the meeting
- (Comment): Appreciates Board follow up
- (Board Response): 🙂
- (Comment): Why were police at the building
- (Board Response): We will notify the building of any reports that are a threat to community property
- (Comment): Noise complaints
- (Board Response): Recommend to document all complaints, e-mail board with date of incident, unit #, etc. That way we can start the fining process if necessary
- Approval of minutes:
- Approved
- Financials update:
- $12,547 with $446,164 in reserves
- Budget
- Income is good
- Insurance about $3k over (normal)
- Collection costs will be coming to us
- Plumbing – $4k-$15k
- Depositing $10k into reserves- (in the black)
- 3 residents in default
- 1 paid
- 1 letter
- 1 collections (foreclosure)
- Maintenance Update:
- 2 doors in alley will be getting fobs for safety ($9k)
- Updating all lighting in the building to LED
- Admin Update
- Covid-19- no change
- Can residents get a copy of financials
- Yes, but it will need to be made available to all residents (paper printed) in advance
- Recommended to confirm and address oversight of on-site cameras
- Copper flakes in 518- only visible when work is being done
- Mills Act in the works
- Getting quotes for Rekeying as it’s been about 6 years
Action Items:
- Pete’s Contract
- Look into off-site security company (video)
- Check in with Chuck about options
Adjournment: 08:00am/pm
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