Temple Lofts HOA
General Board Minutes
Call to order: 07:10 am/pm
In Attendance: ⬛ (present) ⬜ (absent)
- ⬛ (Off-Site Property Manager) – Jeff Hall
- ⬜ (On-Site Property Manager) – Pete Figueroa
- ⬜ (President) – Travis Alexander
- ⬛ (Vice President) – Kirsten Severson
- ⬛ (Treasurer) – Stanton Young
- ⬛ (Secretary) – Daniel Yousef
- ⬛ (Member) – Shae Miller
- ⬛ (Other) – Angel Garcia
Residents Present: Shon White, Christopher Higgins, Lyndell Higgins, Garry, Wade Rompel, Wade Hammond, Eric Walsh, Jane Gibbons, Marian, Leigh, Will
Introduction: Year accomplishments: Organize and create board procedures that were not passed down by previous board, website creation, emergency text messaging implementation, spa repair, new off-site management company, and organization of finances.
Building Update: Covid-19 building closure update
Approval of Yearly Minutes: Kirsten Severson, Shae Miller
Open Forum:
- (Comment): How is the board planning to communicate with the residents and visa versa? Re-keying the building? Look into warranty for patio furniture.
- (Board Response): We have set up the emergency text system, will update the website, and residents can e-mail Jeff with concerns or submit maintenance requests online.
- (Comment): What are the restrictions for outside decorations from residents?
- (Board Response): We are looking into what we can and cannot regulate.
- (Comment): Concern about Covid-19 and wearing masks.
- (Board Response): All common areas will be closed and masks are recommended.
- (Comment): What is the on-site manager responsible for, what oversight is in place?
- (Board Response): We are working to define all of those parameters.
- (Comment): Issue with neighbor
- (Board Response): Discussing in private after meeting.
- (Comment): Upgrades to the roof? Upgrade cushions?
- (Board Response): Due to air conditioning units, it is not safe to create a gathering place on the roof. Furniture purchased too recently to replace. Looking into warranty and related costs.
- (Comment): Look into the Mills Act.
- Board Response: On our to do list.
Ballot Count: Angel (Shae Miller- 11 Daniel Yousef- 16 Lyndell Higgins – 54)
New Board: Shae Miller (President), Daniel Yousef (Vice President), Kirsten Severson (Treasuer), Lyndell Higgins (Secretary), Travis Alexander (Member)
Adjournment: 08:15 am/pm
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