Temple Lofts HOA
General Board Minutes
(2 December 2021)
Call to order: 07:00 am/pm
In Attendance: ⬛(present) ⬜ (absent)
- ⬛ (Off Site Property Manager) – Itay Zigdon
- ⬛ (On-Site Property Manager) – Daniel Delgado
- ⬛ (President) – Chris Higgins
- ⬜ (Vice President) – Daniel Yousef
- ⬛ (Treasurer) – Kirsten Severson
- ⬜ (Secretary) – TBD
- ⬜ (Member) – TBD
Board and On-Site Manager Updates
- Year in Review (Completed Items):
- On-Site Manager:
- Daniel Delgado was hired this year!!! about 10 months at this point…
- Daniel has become the 4th Pillar in our well oiled system over the course of 2021 – The Board, Off-Site Management, On-Site Management, and the Community
- Maintenance Calendars: Vendors and On-Site Manager have calendars we are sticking to, providing clarity in tasks, budgets, and periodic maintenance.
- Full-Building “Pre-emptive Maintenance Strategy” implemented – Periodic Maintenance scheduling internally and with vendors: Air Handlers, Hydrojetting, Ejector Pumps, Roof, Boilers/Water Heaters/water Pump, Garage Doors, Roof (full mfg warranty) etc.
- Fixed: Ejector Pump (basement smell source), Storm Drain Pumps (offline), Booster Pumps (1 more broken and no water), Inlet/Exhaust Fans (dozens down), A/C for common (Lobby, Gym, Community Room), Boiler Room (a dozen leaks, mold issue, remediation)
- Communications Flow: Setup standard communications flow (REVIEW!)
- Website: Setup website and FAQs covering all common issues – moving, keys, bikes, construction, etc. (REVIEW!)
- New Items: Realtor Keys, Reminder on Permits
- Security Upgrades: Front Door (Gap, Security Post, Handle), Bike Cages, Key Cores
- Mr. Delgado is Mr fix-it:
- Signage + Fining: Vehicle gates, 3rd and 5th floor unmarked Residential Doors
- Supra Locations: No longer outside on the fire pipes
- Mr. Delgado is Mr fix-it:
- Reducing Costs: Telecom plans
- Reserve Study: Updated reserve study, 49% from 37%, Setup scheduled dues increases
- Water at Temple:
- Crossover Issues: X15 Stack: Investigated, Leaving as-is due to low impact, difficulty troubleshooting, and extraordinarily high cost to fix
- Shutoffs: Frequency is targeted at 1/quarter, Website reference this practice
- Air Handlers/HVAC System: – Completed testing and adjustments
- Identified limits Sound (50dBA) & Vibration (0.001 g, 0‐30Hz, 0.003g 30‐130Hz)
- If there are any future complaints, measure with calibrated decibel meter and vibration sensor at trouble locations
- Current thoughts are if sound and vibration is within spec and unit is running properly, it will likely stay as-is.
- If the owner wants more done, we will gladly facilitate but we may have to request they cover the costs of the upgrade
- DELGADO: Garage Fan updated VFD to large exhaust fan, now adjustable to be within spec – testing to validate operation within spec.
- Community activities:
- Beautify Gardening, Butterfly Garden
- On-Site Manager:
- Decorations:
- Back up this year!
- We tried to do a decorating party but it’s still too Covid-y
- Temple Documents (SUCCESS!) + Implications: CC&Rs, Bylaws, Rules&Regs – implemented soon!
- Budget and Dues Increases:
- Reminding everyone of the fixes we accomplished this year – boilers, air handlers, pumps.
- Have completed a TON of due diligence and balanced Cost vs. Quality vs. Timeframe required
- Maint Schedule:
- Namely, none of this has been on a maint schedule, it’s been degrading since it was put in
- The maint manual, provided by the builder was not followed, none of our devices were serviced periodically
- Targeting 15% in 2022, this is down from 20% requested from finance team
- This covers no increase from 2019 and 2020
- Inflation: 2019 was 2.3%, 2020 was 1.4%, 2021 is 6.2% = Totals: 9.9% alone, non-compounding
- Compounding: 2.5%/1.49%/6.2% = 10.19%
- Reserves study shows we needed to increase the dues to get back up targeting 80% in a fairly reasonable timeframe
- What about the Spa?
- Spa and Common Area vs. Amenities: Research has begun…, Teams… ?
- We’re always looking for residents to help out with projects, and the Spa issue is one of them. We’ve gotten VERY expensive quotes to rip out the rusted and breeched old spa and replace it. A good middle-ground might be an above ground spa, but those are hard to get in commercial settings. We’re trying to figure it out…
- Fire Inspections: Complete, fixes forthcoming
- Signage: Vehicle gates, 3rd and 5th floor unmarked Residential Doors
- Permits: If you are having work done, you have to abide by all required permits – if the management finds out a permit wasn’t achieved and was required, we’ll have to come back and require it or the work will have to be reversed at the owners expense… same as if the city inspects.
- Cleaning:
- Late Payments: Just talk with us, otherwise without response it has to be legal, official, and expensive
- Communication, Trash, Security, Fines, Current fining focus…
- Permits: If you are having work done, you have to abide by all required permits –
- If the management finds out a permit wasn’t achieved and was required, we’ll have to come back and require it or the work will have to be reversed at the owner’s expense… same as if the city inspects.
- Rules and Fines: Review official docs, Website, Newsletter, Minutes, Emails…
- Window Washing: Holding off until 2022 due to all of the fixes this year, 1x planned in 2022
- Roof: Working on additional sealant, A/C sealant
- Mills Act: Leveraging Garry’s contact, working with City, website being updated with Temple, 1 multi-unit building is allowed into the program per year
- Late Payments: Just talk with us, otherwise without response it has to be legal, official, and expensive
- Reserve Study Progress: Finalizing dues increase schedule with Finance Team after midyear results
- Garage/Storage water Leaks
- NPNA (North Pine Neighborhood Alliance): Tracking the 810 Pine adjacent building proposal… nothing new yet
- Unapproved upgrades: Get information about possible jackhammer usage?
Open Forum
- We’re working on addressing the biggest issues first, everything else is prioritized in our backlog
- Feel free to ask about or challenge prioritization, doing the research yourself will help get it done faster
- Think about “What’s your goal?”, “Is this something that can be fixed?”, “Is this specific to my unit or the community”
- Dues:
- Mark: Discussing balancing the dues increases with potential lowering of reserve contributions and other ways of minimizing the increase.
- Neighborhood trash issues:
- Kevin Long mentioned the trash issue on the 8th and Locust. Providing a number to call and complain to increase value of our community.
- (562) 570-2876. This is the City of Long Beach Refuse Department that handles the city trash cans
Previous Action Items:
Date | Person | Action |
Action Items:
Adjournment: 8:00pm
Prepared by: Name (Title) Chris Higgins (President)
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